Understanding and Optimizing cPanel: Changing the HELO Parameter

Jul 25, 2024

In the realm of IT services, proper configuration of servers is essential for achieving optimal performance and reliability. One critical aspect that often goes overlooked is the HELO parameter in email servers. This guide will delve into the intricacies of the cpanel change helo process, providing you with a robust understanding and practical steps to improve your email deliverability.

What is HELO?

The HELO command is an essential part of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) used by email servers. When an email server connects to another server to send a message, it introduces itself by sending a HELO command followed by its domain name. This action plays a crucial role in email authentication and can significantly impact whether your emails are successfully delivered or marked as spam.

Significance of HELO in Email Communications

Understanding the significance of the HELO command is vital for any business that relies on email communication. Here are a few reasons why it matters:

  • Authenticity: The HELO command helps establish the legitimacy of the sending server.
  • Spam Prevention: Incorrect HELO settings can lead to your emails being flagged as spam, reducing deliverability rates.
  • Compliance: Many email servers enforce strict compliance checks, and a wrongly configured HELO can cause rejected emails.

Why You May Need to Change the HELO Parameter

There are several reasons you might consider changing the HELO parameter in cPanel:

  1. Server Migration: If you have migrated your email server to a new domain, updating the HELO domain name is crucial.
  2. IP Address Change: When you change your server’s IP address, the HELO command should reflect this change.
  3. Improving Deliverability: Sometimes a poorly configured HELO can negatively impact how recipient servers view your emails, leading to decreased deliverability.

Steps to Change HELO in cPanel

Changing the HELO parameter in cPanel involves a few straightforward steps. Follow this guide to make the necessary adjustments:

Step 1: Log into Your cPanel Account

Begin by accessing your cPanel account. Enter your username and password to log in.

Step 2: Navigate to Email Settings

Once you've logged in, locate the Email section on your main dashboard. This area contains all the settings related to your email accounts.

Step 3: Access the Exim Configuration

Under the Email section, find and click on Exim Configuration. Exim is the mail transfer agent used by cPanel, and it's here you can edit various email-related settings.

Step 4: Find the HELO Configuration

In the Exim Configuration interface, look for options related to HELO. You may need to select the Advanced Editor if it’s not readily visible.

Step 5: Update the HELO Parameter

You should see a field for the HELO domain name. Change this to match your current server’s hostname or the desired domain you wish to use. Ensure that this domain has a valid DNS entry and points to your server.

Step 6: Save Your Changes

After making the changes, be sure to save them. This action will apply the new HELO settings to your email server.

Step 7: Test Your Configuration

After updating your HELO parameter, it's crucial to test the configuration. You can do this using tools like Mail Tester or MX Toolbox to ensure that your emails are being sent with the correct HELO information.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Changing the HELO parameter can lead to several common issues if not done correctly. Here are some potential problems and their solutions:

Issue 1: Emails Still Going to Spam

If your emails continue to land in the spam folder after changing the HELO configuration, consider checking these:

  • SPF Records: Ensure that your SPF records include the new sending domain.
  • DKIM Signing: Implement DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) for additional authentication.
  • Content Quality: Review the content of your emails for spammy triggers.

Issue 2: HELO Not Recognized

If the receiving server does not recognize your HELO, ensure that:

  • Your HELO domain matches the server’s hostname.
  • The domain has a valid DNS entry.
  • Your IP address is not blacklisted.


In conclusion, understanding how to cpanel change helo is essential for any business that relies on email communication. By correctly configuring the HELO parameter in cPanel, you can enhance your email deliverability, improve server authentication, and ultimately foster better communication with your clients and stakeholders. Regularly monitoring your email settings and adjusting them as necessary will keep your email systems running smoothly.

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Additional Resources

For further reading and support on optimizing your email configurations and improving your server's performance, consider these resources:

  • Mail Tester - Test your email for delivery issues and spam factors.
  • MX Toolbox - Check and troubleshoot your mail server configurations.
  • SPF Record Checker - Ensure your SPF records are correctly set up.